Dizzle Dazzle Solutions

BlueBarshield 1Fabric Protection – Currently Unavailable

Our advanced furniture protection formula chemically bonds with fabrics to provide permanent protection against spills, stains, soiling and fading. Safe Guard your furniture from messes associated with pet stains, grass stains, blood stains, food/beverage stains and countless other stains today!

Fabric Protection
in London, Ontario

We are experts in caring for all soft surfaces such as wall-to-wall carpeting, specialty rugs, upholstered furniture, draperies, wallcoverings, and panel systems—including the finest wool, silk, linen, leather and more! We provide professional care for furnishings in the finest homes, corporate offices, private clubs, medical facilities, hotels, yachts, jets, and other specialty interiors. Our System makes the pretty, practical and the luxurious, livable—all at an affordable price! 

Before &


Our guaranteed service is customized for our clients’ needs, so that they can enjoy their fine furnishings without worrying about spills and soils. We provide furniture, Oriental rug and area rug cleaning, in addition to protecting new and existing installations. The application of our protective treatment is merely the first step in caring for your new fine furniture.